Camp NaNo

Camp NaNo

Camp NaNoWriMo is your next, great writing adventure!

Like NaNoWriMo, Camp NaNo is a month-long writing challenge. It happens in April and July, and is developed with flexibility in mind. You can set your own word-count goal and officially take on any kind of writing project. Learn more on the official NaNoWriMo website.

How do we do Camp NaNo? 

During Camp NaNo, we'll add extra write-ins throughout the month for anyone who wants a writing buddy or needs that extra accountability. At the first write-in, we'll talk about our goals and even help you set your goal and set up your account if needed. On following write-ins throughout the month, we'll start off with a check-in to share progress, struggles, and encouragement.

Note: Oskaloosa Write Club is not affiliated with NaNoWriMo and the National Novel Writing Month site (, but some of our Write Club participants will also be participating in NaNoWriMo. You do not have to be part of Write Club to participate in NaNoWriMo or to attend any in-person or virtual write-ins.